You're browsing the documentation for an old version of MoonShine. Consider upgrading your project to MoonShine 2.x.
# Basics
To highlight content, you can use the moonshine::box
<x-moonshine::box> {{ fake()->text() }}</x-moonshine::box>
Aut maiores eligendi libero magni nulla tempore. Et sunt provident rerum aut quia dolores qui. Ut fugit voluptatibus sit cum voluptate.
# Title
The title
parameter sets the title of the block
<x-moonshine::box title="Title box"> {{ fake()->text() }}</x-moonshine::box>
Title box
Sit omnis ut mollitia nam fugit sed ullam. Quis ea qui inventore cum. Voluptatem recusandae vitae exercitationem repudiandae. Sit et qui suscipit et nihil illum.# Dark style
You can set a dark style for a block by specifying the dark
parameter with the value TRUE
<x-moonshine::box :dark="true"> {{ fake()->text() }}</x-moonshine::box>
Eos aliquam voluptates et dolore odio mollitia. Harum explicabo molestias aperiam et. Repudiandae quae iste minima ratione omnis.