
You're browsing the documentation for an old version of MoonShine. Consider upgrading your project to MoonShine 2.x.

You can use moonshine::grid to arrange elements on the page and moonshine::column components.

The grid consists of 12 columns.

<x-moonshine::column adaptiveColSpan="6" colSpan="6">
{{ fake()->text() }}
<x-moonshine::column adaptiveColSpan="6" colSpan="6">
{{ fake()->text() }}
Ipsum voluptas autem quisquam repudiandae maiores. Et sed sit corporis rem eius. Illo ut minus rerum repellat eum odit.
Dolorum voluptates mollitia perferendis. Iste vel et eos quos pariatur aspernatur alias consequuntur. Aliquam qui deleniti dolores et.

adaptiveColSpan - the number of columns that occupy the block when the screen size is up to 1280 pixels.
colSpan - the number of columns that occupy a block with a screen size of 1280px.