You're browsing the documentation for an old version of MoonShine. Consider upgrading your project to MoonShine 2.x.
# Basics
Using the moonshine::tooltip
component, you can create handy tooltips
Доступные расположения:
bottom top left right
<x-moonshine::tooltip placement="bottom" content="Tooltip text"> <button class="btn">Trigger</button></x-moonshine::tooltip>
# Without use component
<span x-data="tooltip('Tooltip content 1', {placement: 'top'})"> <a class="text-purple font-semibold">Trigger 1</a></span>or<span x-data="tooltip" data-tippy-content="Tooltip content 2" data-tippy-placement="right"> <a class="text-purple font-semibold">Trigger 2</a></span>