
You're browsing the documentation for an old version of MoonShine. Consider upgrading your project to MoonShine 2.x.

# Basics

To create cards in the admin panel, use the moonshine::card component

:values="['ID' => 1, 'Author' => fake()->name()]"
<x-moonshine::badge color="green">new</x-moonshine::badge>
{{ fake()->text() }}
<x-moonshine::link href="#">Read more</x-moonshine::link>
Minus ea quos.

Minus ea quos.

ID: 1
Author: Chaz Stanton
Quidem placeat occaecati reprehenderit vel et repellat omnis quaerat. Aperiam ab qui enim aut occaecati. Nam et laborum numquam cumque. Dicta doloribus exercitationem quibusdam tempora et et aut.

# Overlay view

The overlay view is available for the card

:values="['ID' => 1, 'Author' => fake()->name()]"
<x-moonshine::badge color="green">new</x-moonshine::badge>
{{ fake()->text() }}
<x-moonshine::link href="#">Read more</x-moonshine::link>
ID: 1
Author: Ms. Elda Moore
Repellat aut ullam mollitia tempora. Ad totam necessitatibus necessitatibus nihil nisi et vel. Voluptate sunt aut in aut nostrum repellat porro. Et saepe molestiae nemo hic voluptates sit.