
You're browsing the documentation for an old version of MoonShine. Consider upgrading your project to MoonShine 2.x.

# Basics

The moonshine::divider component allows you to create a stylized content divider

{{ fake()->text(100) }}
<x-moonshine::divider />
{{ fake()->text(100) }}
Impedit tempore et impedit rerum et quisquam. Qui eum ad aut minima.
Eos voluptatem qui rerum cupiditate hic sed. Quae labore neque cupiditate quia sit quis aut.

# Text divider

You can use text as a separator, for this you need to specify the text in the label parameter

{{ fake()->text(100) }}
<x-moonshine::divider label="Divider" />
{{ fake()->text(100) }}
Recusandae rem dolorem in ratione. Voluptatibus qui dolorem doloribus sed.
Aut mollitia corrupti corporis ut. Perferendis pariatur et est autem totam.

The centered parameter allows you to center the text

{{ fake()->text(100) }}
<x-moonshine::divider label="Divider" :centered="true" />
{{ fake()->text(100) }}
Suscipit ut eos consequuntur veritatis doloribus autem. Nulla et doloremque et non iusto aut.
Iste sit iure consequatur illum. Ab minima iusto dolores dignissimos repellat quam voluptatem.