
You're browsing the documentation for an old version of MoonShine. Consider upgrading your project to MoonShine 2.x.

use MoonShine\Exceptions\MoonShineNotFoundException;
use MoonShine\Models\MoonshineUser;
return [
# The directory where the resources are located
'dir' => 'app/MoonShine',
# If you change the directory, you must also change the namespace according to psr-4
'namespace' => 'App\MoonShine',
# Admin panel header
'title' => env('MOONSHINE_TITLE', 'MoonShine'),
# You can change the logo by specifying the path (example - /images/logo.svg)
'logo' => env('MOONSHINE_LOGO', '/images/logo.svg'),
'logo_small' => env('MOONSHINE_LOGO_SMALL', '/images/logo-icon.svg'),
'route' => [
# Which url will be available for the control panel (as a rule admin)
# If the value is left empty, the panel will be accessible from /
'prefix' => env('MOONSHINE_ROUTE_PREFIX', 'moonshine'),
# Starting route in admin panel
'index_route' => env('MOONSHINE_INDEX_ROUTE', 'moonshine.index'),
# Groups of middlewares in the panel
'middleware' => ['moonshine'],
# Slug of the url formation for custom pages
'custom_page_slug' => 'custom_page',
# You can change 404 error exception (for ModelNotFound you need to implement it yourself)
'notFoundHandler' => MoonShineNotFoundException::class
# If you want to replace MoonshineUser with your own model, you can disable default migrations
'use_migrations' => true,
# On/Off notifications
'use_notifications' => true,
'auth' => [
# On/Off authentication. If false, the panel will be available to all
'enable' => true,
# If you use your own guard, provider
'guard' => 'moonshine',
'guards' => [
'moonshine' => [
'driver' => 'session',
'provider' => 'moonshine',
'providers' => [
'moonshine' => [
'driver' => 'eloquent',
'model' => MoonshineUser::class,
# Text under the sign in button. As an example, you can add a sign-in button
'footer' => ''
# Possible translations
'locales' => [
'en', 'ru'
# Additional middlewares
'middlewares' => [],
'tinymce' => [
# File manager root, see the Fields section for details
'file_manager' => false, // or 'laravel-filemanager' prefix for lfm
'token' => env('MOONSHINE_TINYMCE_TOKEN', ''),
'version' => env('MOONSHINE_TINYMCE_VERSION', '6')
# Authenticate via social networks and socialite, list the drivers and specify the logo
'socialite' => [
// 'driver' => 'path_to_image_for_button'
# Template customization
'header' => null, // blade path
'footer' => [
'copyright' => 'Made with ❤️ by <a href="" class="font-semibold text-purple hover:text-pink" target="_blank">CutCode</a>',
'nav' => [
'' => 'License',
'' => 'Documentation',
'' => 'GitHub',

For basic use it is enough to edit the parameters below

return [
// ..
'title' => env('MOONSHINE_TITLE', 'MoonShine'),
'logo' => env('MOONSHINE_LOGO', ''),
'route' => [
'prefix' => env('MOONSHINE_ROUTE_PREFIX', 'moonshine'),
// ..